Sit an Exam - All About Umpire Theory Modules and Exams

All of the NNZ recognised Umpire qualifications have a prerequisite of successfully, either completing a module or sitting an exam, to be able to be assessed for the practical component of the Award.

What is Sport Tutor – Online Learning

Netball NZ online learning is designed for all who are involved in Netball including coaches, umpires, volunteers, and players. Find your favourite Netball modules and resources as well as discover new learning experiences. Explore training in leadership, injury prevention, performance enhancement, coaching tools/tips for all age groups, umpiring and more. Access a range of delivery options including webinars, face to face learning, interactive modules and videos to gain new knowledge or refresh your skill set. Sign up now and keep track of your own learning journey and qualifications.

If you need support of information about logging on please see the information available from NNZ on how to log in and use Sport Tutor for Online Learning Netball NZ Online Learning Help


NNZ Centre Award

The first step is passing is to complete the Learning to Umpire Module, that can be found on the Netball New Zealand (NNZ) Sports Tutor Online Learning Platform, which the umpire must have an 85% or higher pass rate and is a prerequisite for the practical part of the Centre Award. 

Learning to Umpire Module

The Learning to Umpire Module replaces the old Netball New Zealand Centre Theory test.  The Module helps New and Player Umpires understand some of the basic rules of netball as well as basic practical techniques to enhance their umpiring.

It is recommended to read the 'How to Use Sport Tutor' document for information on how to register and complete the Module.

Click on this link to read the How to Use Sports tutor

Once you have completed the exam, download, and email a copy of the certificate to your Umpire Lead Maree Body


NNZ Zone Award

The theory component to this award is the NNZ Zone Theory, which is held twice a year on set dates.  This exam tests the umpire’s knowledge of the netball rules from the World Netball International Rule Book, and how they are to be applied on the court.

To help umpires with their learnings, we offer tutoring to help to study and understand the netball rules, which is run over a 6-week period prior to each exam.  The tutoring schedule can be found on the right hand side of this page.  if you would like to be tutored and sit the Zone exam please email the Umpire Lead, Maree Body to register your interest.

Registration for the exam is via the Netball New Zealand (NNZ) Sports Tutor Online learning Platform, which is also where the exam will be found. 

It is recommended to read the 'How to Use Sport Tutor' document for information on how to register for the exam. Participants in the tutoring sessions will be shown how to register and sit the exam as well.

Once you have successfuly passed the exam - dowload and email a copy of your certificate to your Umpire Lead Maree  Body

See below for NNZ schedule for the Zone Theory exams.

NNZ NZ C Award

The theory component to this award is the NNZ NZ Theory, which is held twice a year on set dates.  This exam tests the umpire’s knowledge of the netball rules from the World Netball International Rule Book, and how they are to be applied on the court, as well as their reasons for their decision making when an infringement happens.

To help umpires with their learnings and understand their decision making, we offer tutoring to help to study netball rules, which is run over a 6-week period prior to each exam. The tutoring schedule can be found on the right hand side of this page.

Registration for the exam is via the Netball New Zealand (NNZ) Sports Tutor Online learning Platform, which is also where the exam will be found. 

It is recommended to read the 'How to Use Sport Tutor' document for information on how to register for the exam. Participants in the tutoring sessions will be shown how to register and sit the exam as well.

Once you have successfuly passed the exam - dowload and email a copy of your certificate to your Umpire Lead Maree  Body

See below for NNZ schedule for the NZ Theory exams.

All NNZ theory exams will be conducted online.

The cost to sit the exam is $55 and is payable to NNZ once applications close for the relevant exam your are wanting to sit.



Applications Open 

Applications Close 

Exam Date

Zone Theory 1

27 March 2024

30 April 2024

20 May 2024

NZ Theory 1

16 April 2024

20 May 2024

10 June 2024

Zone Theory 2

11 June 2024

15 July 2024

5 August 2024

NZ Theory 2

25 June 2024

29 July 2024

19 August 2024